Vera & District Lions

Vera and District Lions have supporting the Association of Asprodalba.

For many years Vera and District Lions have supported Asprodalba, Association for the promotion of
people with intellectual disabilities of the Levante Almeriense.

Asprodalba has a Day Centre and a Residential Centre.

In 2022, Asprodalba undertook a new project to create a further residential centre in Vera. This was
funded by donations from many local businesses and a grant from Smurfitt Kappa.

The building is complete HOWEVER, they have now run out of funding to finish the project.

Asprodalba require financial support for the completion of the centre, this includes painting and
decorating, electrics, fittings etc.

Last week the President and Manager of the facility approached Vera Lion’s for support.

They didn’t ask us directly for financial support but asked if we could help through our contacts with the
local community to fundraise towards the additional costs. They themselves are also approaching the
local Spanish community but require our support with the rest of the community.

Asprodalba are asking for donations from businesses and individuals of around 200€, to help them reach
their target. Vera Lion’s agreed to support, and we are asking you the public to support. As you can
imagine the costs are going to be high!

How can you help?

  • Make a donation of any amount
  • Host a fundraising event
  • Or anything else you can think of

Vera Lions will pool the money raised and ringfence it for this project. We will also match fund up to a
maximum of 10,000€, for example if the public raise 10.000€ we will make it 20.000€!

Asprodalba have agreed we can arrange visits to the Day or Residential centres if anyone is interested.
They cater far and wide and support all nationalities in the local community.

As the Lions President this project is very close to my heart, the work they do is amazing, the clients are
always so happy and so well cared for. Every member of staff I have met seems to be there out of love
not just a job.

Please contact the President, Andy directly via WhatsApp 711005682 or email if you feel you can

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