Helping Local Charities, Voluntary And Not For Profit Organistions, Individuals And Other Deserving Causes

There are Lions clubs in over 200 countries in the world with a membership of 1.35 million people. Whilst the Lions Clubs International can reach out across the globe with offers of help it is the role of the Vera and District Lions Club to help local charities and other deserving causes.

No member of the Vera and District Lions Club receives payment in any form. Our work for the community is entirely voluntary.

  • How do we help ?

    We help the local community in various ways.
    How ?
    We organise fundraising events. This year for example we will be organising our main fund raising event the Spectacular “PARTY in the PARK” since 2017, Party in the Park, has been growing at a rapid rate, bigger and better every year it is an all-day music event held in Vera and is open to all ages for a fun packed day of events.

  • Who do we help ?

    Anyone ! should be the answer and that’s not far from the truth. (Sadly on occasions we may not be able to).

    Currently we work very closely with the local community. We support the local foodbanks. Assist with equipment loan such as wheelchairs and walkers, along with cot beds, this list goes on. We also help people in need and have a very good link with the local Nuns, and the Churches. We also support Asprodalba who help people with disabilities.

    Over our short existence we have helped many people in the community with specialised equipment for those in need, or other means of support to people with serious illness, both Spanish and those who have moved into the area or have been passing through as visitors.

    We have donated to the local children’s homes, especially at those times of the year when they may not have what others have the privilege to take for granted, Easter, Christmas, etc.

The Team at Vera & District Lions Club

Vera and District Lions supporting the Asprodalba Association

Together We Can

Asprodalba has a Day Centre and a Residential Centre.
In 2022, Asprodalba undertook a new project to create a further residential centre in Vera. This was
funded by donations from many local businesses and a grant from Smurfitt Kappa.
The building is complete HOWEVER, they have now run out of funding to finish the project.
Asprodalba require financial support for the completion of the centre, this includes painting and
decorating, electrics, fittings etc.

How You Can help...

  • Make a Donation
  • Host a Fundraiser
  • Or Anthing Else
hand 3


AMAZING LINE UP................

PARTY IN THE PARK VERA 2024 at Parque El Palmeral in Vera on the 28th April 2024 from 1pm to 6pm. This years event with be hosted by the team from Almeria Radio and bands and artists are to be announced shortly! Live acts, stalls, food, tea room and bar are all available.


Coming Events

These are our next 2 planned events, click “All Events” to see all the events on our calender.

We are always in need of more events, these events help us toward our charitable donations to various areas of humanity – locally, Nationally & Internationally.
If you have an event and would like us to help with it, please let us know, we would be delighted to help. 

Celine Dion

Celine Dion

October 30, 2024

7:30 pm